Fun Facts About Education Week
The public school system is a vital component of the American education system. Every November, during the week before Thanksgiving, we celebrate the country's teachers and staff and the education system as a whole. These are the people that help shape and mold the future of the country's children. So, in honor of all those men and women who have sacrificed to help make the education field a success, below are some things you may want to know about American Education Week.
It Dates Back to WWI
Organizations started the celebratory week just shortly after the conclusion of WWI in 1921. The national observance plan was created as a collaboration between The U.S. Office of Education, the American Legion, and the National Education Association.
It Was Started to Combat Illiteracy and Improve Physical Education
The need for an improved focus on education came about when the Draft boards found that more than 25% of the young men reporting for duty were illiterate. Of the draftees, 29 percent also proved to be below the standards of fitness. These revelations drew the attention of the various education organizations and helped them push for greater recognition of the importance of education.
Each Day Celebrates a Different Aspect of Education
Each day of the week-long celebration includes a specific activity or celebratory idea. Events usually include the educational week kick-off, which involves acknowledging the week and what the celebration means. The next day is Family Day, which extends an invitation to parents to come into the classroom to learn more about their student's education. The middle of the week includes an educational professionals' day and an educator for a day event, where community leaders step into the shoes of the school's educators. This can change year-to-year and in one district to the next.
Substitutes Are Celebrated Too
American Education Week celebrates all those in the education field, including those often overlooked, such as substitute teachers. Substitutes spend a lot of time in the educational system, often bouncing from school to school to ensure that students continue to receive education when teachers are absent. The final day of American Educational Week is dedicated to these individuals and the crucial role they play in the education system.
Find out how you may honor the educators who help shape the minds of the future generation by inquiring with your local school about how you might celebrate American Education Week.
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Happy American Education Week, PSEA, https://www.psea.org/news--events/events/american-education-week/
AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK – Week Before Thanksgiving, National Day Calendar, https://nationaldaycalendar.com/american-education-week-week-before-thanksgiving/#:~:text=Members%20of%20the%20American%20Legion,the%20first%20week%20in%20December.
American Education Week: November 16–20, 2020, NEA, https://www.nea.org/resource-library/american-education-week-november-16-20-2020